2008 Jam Factory Access Resident
2006-2007 Jam Factory Associate
2003-2005 Bachelor of Visual Arts & Applied Design Adelaide Centre for the Arts, Adelaide, SA
2000-2001 Bachelor of Interior Design, University of South Australia, Adelaide, SA
2008 Workshop with contemporary glass jewellery artist Blanche Tilden, Studio Hacienda, Melbourne, VIC
2008 Mark Vaarwerk ‘Transforming Throwaway Plastics’, workshop attendance, UniSA, Adelaide, SA
2008 Sandy Elverd ‘Contemporary Basket Weaving’ workshop attendance, JamFactory, Adelaide, SA
2008 Conference attendance: ‘JMGA Inside-Out’, Adelaide, SA
2007 Gold Leaf Miniature Painting Workshop, with Ajay Sharma, Jaipur, India
2007 Gem Palace, workshop and gem cutting tour, Jaipur, India
2007 Attended Nizam's jewels exhibition, National Museum, New Delhi, India
2007 Tamil Ceramic Workshop, with Ramaiya Tangaiya, Sanskriti Kendra, New Delhi, India
2007 Textile printing & indigo dyeing Workshop, Sanskriti Kendra, New Delhi, India
2007 Artist talk attendance, Daniel Kruger, Art Gallery of South Australia
2007 AbaF workshop attendance
2006 Conference attendance: ‘JMGA On Location – making stories: siting, citing, sighting’, Sydney, NSW
2005 Artist talk attendance, Paul Derrez, Art Gallery of South Australia
2005 Vocational Placement with Sue Lorraine, Metal Design studio, JamFactory, Adelaide, SA
2004 Conference attendance: ‘JMGA Inherited Futures – Technologies To Trap Ideas’, Melbourne, VIC
2014 Teaching, ‘Creative Process’ - ACArts, Adelaide, SA
2014 Teaching, ‘Introduction to Jewellery’ Short Course - ACArts,Adelaide, SA
2013 Artist Talk, Unearthly, ‘Inside SAM’s Place’, SA Museum, Adelaide, SA
2012 Teaching, ‘Introduction to Jewellery’ Short Course - Adelaide College of the Arts, Adelaide, SA
2012 Mentoring program with 3rd year student Dianne Hedger - Adelaide College of the Arts, Adelaide, SA
2012 Teaching, ‘Jewellery Fundamentals’ - Adelaide College of the Arts, Adelaide, SA
2009 Teaching, ‘Changing Colours’ - Introduction to anodising class, JamFactory, Adelaide, SA
2008 JamFactory Artist Slide Talk, JamFactory, Adelaide, SA
2008 Waterhouse Art Prize: Meet the Artist Demonstration, South Australian Museum, Adelaide, SA
2007 Presented Artist Talk, JDTI [Jewellery Design & Technology Institute], Noida, New Delhi, India
2007 ‘CSIRO Double Helix’, conducted jewellery workshop, JamFactory, Adelaide, SA
2007 ‘JMGA inside out’, workshop planning committee, Adelaide, SA
2007 Starvedog Lane Magnum Design Award entrant, JamFactory, Adelaide, SA
2007 Anodising Workshop, Thai Project, Assistant Lecturer, ACArts
2007 Public Art Commission: Design for QEH ‘Reeds’ sculpture, Metal Design Studio
2007 Adelaide Fringe Festival, Design Derby Volunteer
2006 Design Institute South Australian Awards entrant
2006 Starvedog Lane Magnum Design Award entrant, JamFactory, Adelaide, SA
2006 Public Art Commission: Design for Adelaide City Council tram stops artwork, Metal Design Studio
2006 Manufacture of Public Art by Michelle Nikou, coins inlaid into cement pavers, Rundle Street, Adelaide
2006 Jewellery tutoring: Jamfactory volunteers ring making workshop, JamFactory, Adelaide, SA
2006 Public Art Commission: ‘St Mary’s College’ JamFactory Metal Design Studio
2006 Presented Artist Talk, Enfield Gem & Mineral Society, Adelaide, SA
2005 The Hat Project, workshop, Christian Hall, JamFactory, Adelaide, SA
2003 Cynthia Cousens workshop, JamFactory, Adelaide SA.
2013 ‘Inside SAM’s Place’ collaborative research exhibition, South Australian Museum, Adelaide, SA
2013 ‘Holding Place: A Repository of Containers and Vessels’ [Online], Gonoksin.
2012 ‘MOVE’, Light Square Gallery, Adelaide, SA
2012 ‘Grass is Greener, Zu Design, Adelaide, S
2011 ‘A Roman Christmas, Zu Design, Adelaide, SA
2011 ‘Cherish’, Artisan, Brisbane, QLD
2011 ‘Christmas showcase’, Studio 20/17 Gallery, NSW
2011 ‘Saint Ignatius Art Show’, Adelaide, SA
2011 ‘I Heart Jewellery’, SALA, Zu Design jewellery + objects, Adelaide, SA
2011 ‘Beauty Is In the Eye of the Beholder’ [Online], Gonoksin
2011 11th Contemporary Australian Silver & Metalwork Exhibition, Buda House, Castlemaine, VIC
2011 ‘Adornment, Barossa Regional Art Gallery, SA
2010 ‘Hang Around’, Zu Design jewellery + objects, Adelaide, SA
2010 ‘DOG’, Red Poles Gallery, McLaren Vale, SA
2010 ‘JMGA National Award’, JMGA Biennial Conference, Perth Galleries, Fremantle, WA
2010 ‘Profile’, JMGA NSW, Studio 20/17 Gallery, NSW & Central Tafe Art Gallery, WA
2009 ‘The Making of Contemporary Beauty’, Red Opus Gallery, SA
2009 ‘Christmas gift showcase’, Studio 20/17 Gallery, NSW
2009 ‘Cross Roads’, JamFactory Studioworks, Adelaide, SA
2009 ‘Explorations 09’, A&E Metal Merchants, Guildford Lane Gallery, VIC
2009 ‘Explorations 09’, A&E Metal Merchants, Gaffa Gallery, NSW
2009 ‘Cherish’, Artisan, Brisbane, QLD
2009 ‘Cheers’, Zu Design jewellery + objects, Adelaide, SA
2009 ‘It’s simple….they match’, Zu Design jewellery + objects, Adelaide, SA
2009 ‘5 Years’, Inform contemporary jewellery, Christchurch, NZ
2009 Contemporary Wearables ‘09, Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery, QLD
2009 Touring Buda Silver Exhibition, The Arts Center, Geelong Gallery, Mornington Gallery, VIC
2009 Maestros & Apprentices Black Tie Fundraising Auction, Adelaide, SA
2009 Contemporary Australian Silver & Metalwork Exhibition, Buda House, Castlemaine, VIC
2009 ‘Ring Theory’, Yorkshire Sculpture Park, Wakefield, UK
2009 ‘Henna: Love, Life & Happiness’, Urban Cow Studio, Adelaide, SA
2009 ‘Aluminium’ (Jewellery Showcase), The Scottish Gallery, Edinburgh, UK
2008 National Contemporary Jewellery Award, Griffith Regional Art Gallery, NSW
2008 ‘Present’s at Zu’, Zu Design jewellery + objects, Adelaide, SA
2008 Concurrent, Gallery 139, Adelaide, SA
2008 Dogs & Cars, ArtRoom5, Adelaide, SA
2008 Under the Banyan Tree, Light Square gallery, Adelaide, SA
2008 'Hooked - on the ear’, Zu Design jewellery + objects, Adelaide, SA
2008 The Waterhouse Natural History Art Prize, South Australian Museum, Adelaide, SA
2008 'DESIGN NOW' Country Arts SA, Touring regional South Australia
2008 Contemporary Wearables ‘07, Maroondah Art Gallery, VIC
2008 JMGA: Retail Display of South Australian Jewellers, Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide, SA
2008 JMGA: Adelaide Airport Display, group show, Adelaide, SA
2007 International Elephant, Sanskriti Kendra, New Delhi, India
2007 Christmas Exhibition, Inform contemporary jewellery, Christchurch, NZ
2007 Xmas Bob Bons, Greenhill Galleries, Adelaide, SA
2007 Biennial, JamFactory, Adelaide, SA
2007 Bright Shiny Things, Zu Design jewellery + objects, Adelaide, SA
2007 Mint, Metalab Gallery, Surry Hills, Sydney, NSW
2007 Sixfold, GAFFA Gallery, Surry Hills, Sydney, NSW
2007 The Waterhouse Natural History Art Prize, South Australian Museum, Adelaide, SA
2007 Contemporary Wearables ‘07, Toowoomba Regional Art Gallery, QLD
2007 Wishlist, Chesser Gallery, Adelaide, SA
2007 On The Cuff, Zu Design jewellery + objects, Adelaide, SA
2007 Mettle, Studio Retail Works Gallery, JamFactory Contemporary Craft & Design, Adelaide, SA
2007 Catch-on 2, Jewellery Fair COEX Convention and Exhibition Centre, Seoul, Korea
2007 Fine Art Exhibition ‘07, Scotch College, Adelaide, SA
2007 50 Brooches, CQgallery, Brisbane, QLD
2007 Mint, Zu Design jewellery + objects, Adelaide, SA
2007 Design Derby, Fringe Factory, Adelaide, SA
2007 Dark Elegant Pop, Urban Cow Studio, Adelaide, SA
2006 Jam Boxes, JamFactory Retail Studioworks Gallery, Adelaide, SA
2006 Wrapped, Zu Design, jewellery + objects, Adelaide, SA.
2006 GRASP, Horus & Deloris Contemporary Art Space, Sydney, NSW.
2006 National Contemporary Jewellery Award, Griffith Regional Art Gallery, NSW
2006 Artium, Metal Design Studio New Works, Atrium Space, JamFactory, Adelaide, SA
2006 Italian Centre Prize, Jam Factory Associates, Adelaide Italian Centre, Adelaide, SA
2006 Metal Associates Exhibition, JamFactory Retail Space, Adelaide, SA
2006 Helpmann Academy Graduate Exhibition, Adelaide, SA
2006 Graduate Metal X, Exit Gallery, Sydney College of the Arts, Sydney, NSW
2006 AC ARTS Graduation Exhibition, JamFactory, Adelaide, SA
2005 The Cats Meow, Graduation Exhibition, Tin Cat Cafe, Adelaide, SA
2005 Entree, SALA festival, AC ARTS, Adelaide, SA
2004 Damayanti, Kuma Jewellery, Adelaide, SA
2004 JMGA Delegates Exhibition, Melbourne, VIC
2012 ‘Inside SAM’s Place’ collaborative research project, South Australian Museum, Adelaide, SA
2011 Winner ‘11th Ernest Leviny Award’ Buda House Contemporary Australian Silver Exhibition
2008 Overall Winner ‘Best innovative contemporary jewellery design’, National Contemporary Jewellery Award
2008 Arts SA, Independent Makers & Presenters Grant, workshop with glass jewellery artist Blanche Tilden
2008 High Commendation, SALA Festival JamFactory Contemporary Craft and Design Award
2007 Helpmann Academy residency, Sanskriti Kendra, New Delhi, India
2007 Adelaide Fringe Award, Best Visual Arts Event for Mint
2006 Arts SA, Project Assistance [emerging artists]
2005 Helpmann Academy Grant, Project Assistance
2012 ‘Best Of Worldwide Jewelry Artists Volume II’ , by James Kennedy, Kennedy Publishing, USA
2012 ‘Heat, Color, Set & Fire, by Marthe Le Van, Lark Publishing
2012 ‘The Jewelry-Maker's Guide: Styles & Techniques, by Anastasia Young, Quarto Publishing
2011 ‘Showcase – 500 Rings’, by Bruce Metcalf, Lark Publishing
2011 ‘Trouble’ Magazine, June issue
2011 ‘500 Silver Jewelry Designs’, Lark Publishing
2010 ‘The Workbench Guide to Jewelry Techniques’, by Anastasia Young, Interweave Press
2010 ‘Art & Antiques’, INSITE Magazine, Scoop Home, Design & Arts Series, p 185 & p 207, Autumn 2010, WA
2010 ‘Anodize!’, by Clare Stiles, Lark Publishing
2010 ‘Colourful Aluminium Jewellery’, by Lindsey Mann, A&C Black Publishers.
2009 The Adelaide Review, ‘Changing Colours’, JamFactory, Issue 354, Aug edition, p 34.
2009 Rip it up Magazine, ‘Art Picks’, Henna: Love, Life & Happiness, issue 1028, Apr 2
2009 ‘The Compendium Of Contemporary Jewellery Makers’, by Andy Lim, Darling Publications
2008 The Advertiser, ‘Baubles, bangles and bling’, by Margot Osborne, Review Dec 13 edition, p 12.
2008 ‘Adorn: New Jewelry’, by Amanda Mansell, Laurence King Publishing
2008 City Messenger, ’Delhi Wares’, July 30
2008 Rip it up Magazine, ‘Art Talk’ interview, issue 994, July 3
2008 ‘Wrap, Stitch, Fold & Rivet: Making Designer Jewellery’, by Mary Hettmansperger, Lark Books publishing
2007 Adelaide Matters, ‘Contents / Show of strength’ Dec/Jan edition
2007 Rip it up Magazine, ‘Visions’, issue 926, April 4
2007 The Advertiser, ‘Fringe proves a hot ticket’, April 3 edition, p 64.
2007 The Australian, ‘Fringe’s essence in vibrant nutshells’, Wendy Walker, April 2 edition, p 18.
2007 The Advertiser, ‘Support Act’ March 3 edition
2007 Adelaide Matters, ‘Sparkle and Shine’ March edition
2006 Adelaide Matters, ‘Out of the Box’ Dec/Jan edition
2006 SA Life magazine, ‘Exquisite Objects’, October, volume 3, edition 10
2006 Place magazine : architecture + design + placemaking, ‘D.I.A.’ October, volume 2, edition 2
2006 Sydney Morning Herald, ‘GRASP’ September 30
2006 Adelaide Matters, ‘Precious Metal’ March edition
2005 Adelaide Matters, December edition